[Map] Law Enforcement Outpost


I’m not exactly sure where I got the idea for this map, but I wanted to make some kind of base built on a side of a crater or an asteroid, for example. Based on the design, I would not place this map on an asteroid, but rather into a crater or similar rocky terrain. Also, the lack of airlocks hints that there is some kind of atmosphere present, even though it might be thin or somewhat toxic (perhaps something like in the Avatar).

Law Enforcement Outposts

Law Enforcement Outposts, or LEOs for short,  are permanent facilities scattered around the far reaches of inhabited space. These facilities function as local bases for the law enforcers assigned to patrol the area and keep pirate activity, or any other criminal activities, at bay.

Law Enforcement Outpost are not responsible for the safety of the local colonies or other such settlements. Those are typically handled by private security companies or local contractors. Instead LEOs function as temporary holding facilities for apprehended suspects, resupply stations for patrol crafts and local bases for the system patrols. They also monitor the traffic and answer to distress signals in the area.


For different map versions of this and other of my RPG maps, please, check out my Patreon page and storefronts in DrivethruRPG and RPGnow.

This map was originally published on Patreon with the support of my awesome patrons in June 2016.

Creative Commons License

This work by Miska Fredman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.